Matthew Fritze Assemblages
Glossary of Terms / Credits

A.R. Ammons, 'storms of generosity'

Archie Randolph Ammons (1926-2001) was an American poet who wrote spare and beautiful poems about humanity's relationship to the natural world. The phrase, 'storms of generosity' is from his poem, "The City Limits".

‘Luck’s for suckers.’

During an important televised pool tournament in the 1980’s, the famous pool player Minnesota Fats was wished ‘Good luck.’ by the host before executing a complicated, game-winning shot. He sardonically replied: ‘Luck’s for suckers.’ This self-assured response has always stuck with me.


From Mercator Projection, a cylindrical map projection presented by the Flemish cartographer and geographer Gerardus Mercator. A Mercator Projection map is common and instantly recognizable by its complete right angle grid composition. Since this method distorts the scale of objects to maintain a flat grid representation of our spherical world, only partial North and South Pole representations can be shown.

—Source: Wikipedia, John P. Snyder, Map Projections


In this case Transform is used as a noun, and not found in most dictionaries. It is a mathematical term describing an equation that is used to efficiently calculate values of physical phenomenon such as sound waves, signal processing and thermal fluctuations. There are many types of transforms attributed to many scientists, but the first was invented in the early 1800’s by Joseph Fourier, a French mathematician who wanted to solve his equation involving the fluctuating flow of heat around an iron ring. Fourier expressed the temperature profile in his Analytical Theory of Heat as a sum of sine waves which he plugged into a differential equation. This method, theretofore unused and controversial, was a breakthrough for calculating the values of discontinuous phenomena. Fourier’s Series, commonly known as a Fourier Transform is arguably one of the most powerful analytical tools in mathematics.

—Sources: Wikipedia, Rohit Thummalapalli, Fourier Transforms: Nature’s Way of Analyzing Data. Julian Brown, Minds Machines and the Multiverse (pg 173)


A German word defined as the primeval ground of being, or the indefinable matter of the universe. The first usage is attributed to the theologian Jakob Böhme.

—Sources: Beatrix Murrell, Stoa del Sol. The European Graduate School, Jakob Böhme, Biography. Mark Ellingson, Reclaiming our Roots from Martin Luther to Martin Luther King, Vol. II (pg 172)